Wednesday, August 15, 2012

2012 Local Food Victories of the Future

DOWNLOAD Mini-Grant Application

Description: Local Food Victories of the Future are action steps individuals are taking toward a healthy, sustainable, and equitable food system in our region of Southeast Michigan.  If you have an idea, at least one other person to work with, and if you meet the criteria outlined below, you are eligible to apply.  Deadline for submission is September 1, 2012.

Mini-grant awards will be confirmed by  September 5th and announced publicly at the HomeGrown Festival on September 8, 2012.  We expect each mini-grant applicant to request up to $500, but we will be flexible depending on the quality of the application and the number of applications received.

Criteria that the Grant Committee will use to make decisions:
      Have the requirements for documentation and deadline been met?
·         What is the potential to strengthen a sustainable food system in our region?
·         What is the ability of this project to expand the movement to reach a broad and diverse mainstream audience?

Checklist for inclusion:
__________Goal, plan, and timeline for reaching your goal.
__________Budget request. How much are you requesting, what is it for and how will it contribute to your goal?
__________Meeting notes from 3 meetings with your group’s stakeholders.  Please include: Date, agenda, who was present, action items.

Expectations: If you are awarded a mini-grant, we will ask for a progress update by email in November and in February.  We also ask that you plan to make a presentation on the status or outcome at the 2013 Local Food Summit. 
Please use this form, or create your own document, with the requested information. Deadline for submission is September 5, 2012.
Slow Food Huron Valley - Local Food Victories of the Future
P.O. Box 7237, Ann Arbor, MI 48107
Good luck and thank you for taking steps to create the world as it should be!

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